This will go into detail regarding the product listing page details. There are 5 sections to the product listing page. Some information further down on the page changes depending on which of the 3 listing types you select. We will go through all the bases and help make listing products a breeze with some tips along the way. We assume of course you have reviewed all guidelines policies etc. already in the Quick start selling section.

Please ensure you utilize the Listing Default red box on the listing page often to adjust your product listing defaults, this will save you an incredible amount of time and money!

We made changes to adding or listing products so you can change defaults easily. This saves a huge amount of time when listing products. Depending on what you are listing you can even go back into the defaults and quickly modify them for different product types etc. This enhancement makes listing products ultra-fast and easy. Here is a link to a short YouTube video how to utilize this time saving feature.

  1. Basic Product Information
    • Product Category It will take a little to learn all the product categories and how they are laid out. We have created many URL’s or categories and will add more as requested and as time goes on. Ensuring you land your listing in the correct category is important. Ensure you follow the dropdown menus to the end and find the perfect location for your add. Select all boxes until you get to the final category, this will provide a clear path to where the product is when buyers are viewing them. This will certainly help to sell your products if they are easily located and show up in the refinements correctly. Products in wrong categories that are blatantly wrong may be removed, if it is deleted you will receive an email notification and have to relist in the right product section. If it appears to be an honest mistake, we will notify you to move the product to the correct category.
    • Product Name Ensure you are descriptive with the product name, you do not want it too long, but you do want enough information for your products to show up in searches. We generally use Brand, part numbers, characteristics, and basic information like grade A lumber for example.
    • Product Condition This is very critical! Ensure you read the details of these descriptions to completely understand them.Product Condition Descriptions & Guidelines. Misuse of this will result in suspension of sellers right to use the site. If you are stating the products are refurbished, you must provide details as to how the product was refurbished. If it is something that may require testing, ensure that is provided as well.
    • General Description Ensure you provide as much detail as possible. The more information the better to help sell your product and prevent any issues after the sale!
    • Short Description Appears on the Listing This can be used to add to the product name, details or other important comment and does appear on the listing when buyers are surfing. We use it for a brief summary, like item condition, for example “like new”. Therefore, ensure you do not make it too long.
    • SKU This number is how you identify the product you are selling. It may be used to categorize your listing or have specific numbers that mean something to the way you track your listings. It may be the same SKU you have in your system already or for the product itself from the manufacturer. It may be the model number even plus a digit of your choice. We use the first letter of the product condition on the end of each SKU to help with keeping things straight. It is important to categorize or come up with a SKU system for your listings. The system will not save duplicate SKUs as everyone must be unique on the sites. Please also keep in mind the system has barcode capabilities built in if required please contact us directly to discuss by emailing
  2. Price Information
    • Select Preferred Listing Type This will take you on 3 different paths for completing the listing of you item. The default is Buy It Now and we will first go through the balance of the product listing page using the default Buy It Now selection. If you are not too sure what the 3 options mean, please review Listing Types details & Guidelines for the full description.
    • Price: The price in this case is the asking price for the product.
    • Sale Price: You have the option to offer it on sale. The discount will be shown on the listing in red.
    • Sale Price Start Date: Select the date for the sale to begin
    • Sale Price End Date: Select the date the sale will be over (In product defaults you set the number of days you want the sale to run, and they will always add that many days to every sale item you post)
    • Quantity of Items: Enter how many you have
    • Stock Availability: Gives you the option of adding an item that is soon to be in stock
    • Taxable Goods: If you are a business you will have to leave the default as taxable, if you are an individual or are tax exempt select None.
  3. Price Information
    • Select Preferred Listing Type This will take you on 3 different paths for completing the listing of you item. The default is Buy It Now and we will first go through the balance of the product listing page using the default Buy It Now selection. If you are not too sure what the 3 options mean, please review Listing Types details & Guidelines for the full description.
    • Price: The price in this case is the asking price for the product.
    • Sale Price: You have the option to offer it on sale. The discount will be shown on the listing in red.
    • Sale Price Start Date: Select the date for the sale to begin
    • Sale Price End Date: Select the date the sale will be over (In product defaults you set the number of days you want the sale to run, and they will always add that many days to every sale item you post)
    • Quantity of Items: Enter how many you have
    • Stock Availability: Gives you the option of adding an item that is soon to be in stock
    • Taxable Goods: If you are a business you will have to leave the default as taxable, if you are an individual or are tax exempt select None.
    • ( and are not responsible for taxes in any way shape or form for our vendors and buyers)
  4. Price Information
    • Select Preferred Listing Type: This is for the Auction selection.
    • Price: If you want to reveal what you are hoping to get
    • Quantity of items: Total number for sale.
    • Starting Price: Will be visible and be the minimum bid accepted
    • Reserve Price: Not visible and bid will not be valid if reserve not met.
    • Start Auction Time: Auction start date and time.
    • Stop Auction Time: Time for the auction to end, you will want to select a good day and time for people to close it.
    • Number of Days for Winner to Pay: For large items you may need to allow a couple of days.
    • Minimum Quantity: Minimum quantity allowed for winning bidder to take for the winning bid price
    • Maximum Quantity: Maximum quantity allowed for winning bidder to take for the winning bid price
    • Automatic Option: Allows you to let buyers enter Automatic bids, that means the bids will proceed automatically if someone bids higher than them until they get to the maximum entered.
    • Stock Availability: Allows you to list current non-stock items.
    • Business seller Taxable Item: If you are a business you will have to leave the default as taxable, if you are an individual or are tax exempt select None.
  5. Media
    • Product Images: Ensure your images are organized and do not need to be rotated or anything before insertion as the sites has limited tools for photo insertion.
    • Weight: The weight is important to know for shipping, best to enter a weight but you do not have to. If you do not enter a weight the automated shipping tools built into the site will not work.
  6. Specification
    • PDF Link: Allows you to paste a link to the product specification PDF or manufacturers detailed specifications.
    • The balance of the items must also be completed as required depending on what you are listing. In some cases, the electrical specifications may be in the listing description which may make this section redundant. The more detailed specifications you provide the better for buyers to completely understand what you are selling.
  7. Shipping Returns and Warranty Information
    • A. Shipping Options: You have 4 shipping options to choose from, please see Shipping Guidelines & Options for details. This section helps explain why these options are built into the site and what exactly they mean. Ensure you enter the weights and dimensions of the product or the automated shipping system will not work. Ensure you add enough to cover the actual shipping weights and dimensions for the packaged product ready to ship. If anything, allow a little extra. If there are additional charges to the site because this was inaccurate the site will invoice you for the additional charges! It would be up to the vendor to try and recover any additional costs from the buyer for their error.
    • B. Area Code of Product: Please note this is for the actual shipping point of the product. It is important to use the product location Postal Code so buyers know where the product is located. Vendors may use this as a tool for listing products not at their actual location. In many cases products will be picked up from their location. Without the proper Postal Code for where the product is shipping from the automated shipping quotes will not work.
    • Return Product: Please select yes or no if returns are accepted for the product.
    • Return Product Conditions: Select one of the three options to better explain the return conditions.
    • Return Policy and Warranty Information if applicable: This section is to explain the terms and conditions of returns. This will be based on the previous selection. It is also used for adding any applicable warranty information for the product.

Generally speaking listing products is very straight forward, if there is ever a need for some support we are always here to help!