The product description dropdown menu and understanding the condition selected is one of out most important product protocols used on the site to ensure the Vendors and the buyers understand the actual condition of the product. Please note the recommendations when writing up the product descriptions and providing pictures while listing for each category as well. If a buyer does not see all the details listed below you may want to message the Vendor before placing a bid or purchasing the product.

  1. New
    • Item is brand new never opened or repackaged in original packaging.
    • Provide new spec sheets or manufacturers web link recommended
    • Provide warranty information if applicable and the warranty process.
    • Provide hazardous information and WHIMIS if applicable.
  2. New Other
    • Item is new and has never been used but may not be in original packaging or was opened and original packaging refastened.
    • Be specific in the add about the items condition.
    • Must be in perfect condition as if new, cannot be dirty or have any marks or scratches on it.
    • Detailed pictures showing it has no imperfections recommended.
    • Provide warranty information if applicable and the warranty process.
    • Provide hazardous information and WHIMIS if applicable.
  3. Take Out
    • Item may have been in a piece of equipment and removed for sale but was never energized or put under load.
    • Be specific in the add about the items condition.
    • Item may be new but is dirty or has minor imperfections such as marks on it from riding in a truck or van. May have just sat on a shelf for a long time.
    • Detailed pictures of imperfections recommended.
    • Provide warranty information if applicable and the warranty process.
    • Provide hazardous information and WHIMIS if applicable.
  4. Refurbished
    • Item is used but has been refurbished by an industry professional.
    • We recommend the Vendor provide types of test completed and test results for the item.
    • Pictures of the item apart or functioning is recommended to provide further proof it was indeed correctly refurbished.
    • A list of new parts installed on the item while refurbishing is also recommended.
    • Be specific in the add about the items condition.
    • Provide warranty information if applicable and the warranty process.
    • Provide hazardous information and WHIMIS if applicable.
  5. Used
    • Item is used and functions as it is designed too.
    • Be specific in the add about the items condition.
    • Recommend pictures of unit on in operation or energized
    • Detailed pictures of imperfections recommended.
    • Basic tests completed to ensure it functions and results recommended
    • Item may be dirty, show signs of wear but must function as designed.
    • Provide warranty information if applicable and the warranty process.
    • Provide hazardous information and WHIMIS if applicable.
  6. Parts Only
    • Item may only have a few usable parts
    • Item may or may not function
    • Item is in rough condition
    • Recommend taking pictures of the items best attributes
    • Recommend taking pictures of the items worst attributes
    • Item is uncleaned or damaged.
    • Be specific in the add about the items condition.
    • Provide warranty information if applicable and the warranty process.
    • Provide hazardous information and WHIMIS if applicable.